Swedish massage
One of the most widespread massages in the world, this wonderful technique will provide you with deep muscle relaxation and will help lower your stress level.
One of the most widespread massages in the world, this wonderful technique will provide you with deep muscle relaxation and will help lower your stress level.
One of the most widespread massages in the world, this wonderful technique will provide you with deep muscle relaxation and will help lower your stress level. This technique combines pressure and gentleness to bring you ultimate decompression. Highly beneficial for those who are tired, stressed or suffering from insomnia.
115$ Taxes not included
60 MIN The minimum age for treatment is 18 years +
Take advantage of your massage package to combine relaxation with the entertaining formula of Spa Nordic Station.
You will also like Doze on the edge of deep well-being; let our massage therapists take care of you and offer you a moment of relaxation that will take you on a journey.